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Call now - 0333 577 2999 (24hr)

Jamie Martin


Jamie Martin


T: 0333 577 2999 E: ku.oc.walpsj%40eimaj


    Crown Court litigation support/paralegal
  • Accolades/achievements/qualifications

    Degree in Business Economics

  • Three words you’d use to describe yourself

    Hardworking, approachable, intuitive.

  • Three words your colleagues would use to describe you

    Helpful, resourceful, accessible.

  • Best moment/career highlight

    Getting my first job in the law at JSP.

  • It has to be JSP Law because...

    We have a more personal touch with our clients.

  • You love your work but could be persuaded to...

    Take up a career on the tennis circuit.

  • You may be surprised to know that...

    I love tennis!